Residential Development
The project involved the demolition of the former brewery buildings with the exception of a distinctive original Victorian building which fronts onto St Julian’s Avenue, with this building being retained and incorporated into the new development. The integration of the existing Victorian house and archway creates a harmonious frontage to St Julian's Avenue. The cupola creates a focal point at the junctions of St Julian's Avenue and Les Vauxlaurens, succesfully drawing the two street frontages together.
The property is designed along the principles of Lifetime Homes Standards* as much as is possible given the unique constraints of the site, to enable owners to enjoy their homes as their circumstances change through time.
The development has been designed to respect the features of the original retained building and historic surroundings, using traditional materials including render, granite and brickwork. Careful design means the new building is very much in keeping with the industrial feel of the building that previously occupied the site. The traditional building forms are expressed in a more contemporary way in the new build elements, as we move around the site.
Partly due to the nature of the site and the constraints imposed, each apartment has its own distinctive feel and character, making the most of the topography, orientation and aspect, with the built form rising with the site topography.
The built form and heights of the new development are within the parameters of the original built form, and respond to the requirements of the Development Brief prepared by the Environment Department for the site.